Two worlds collided,
their fate undecided.

For a time they travelled together
chaos was their path,
perhaps this was inherent only to one.
but they grew, life formed where before it wasn't
from eachother they took what they needed.
One needed air, the other water.
One needed space and the other time.
things useless to themselves
helped the other to thrive.
after a series of separations and collisions,
their gravity became one,
combined they followed a path together
and planned a future that considered themselves,
their safety and maybe they could together create some moons,
one already had a moon from a brief collision.
But this did not matter to the other
it was happy to let the moon orbit their collective body,
maybe even happy to have its gravity affect the moon not of its own.

A third world hurtling passed
unstable though its composition vast
nearing despair without complement
deteriorating in its harsh environment.

But three worlds were said not to combine,
their collective mass would be too great
they're overall differences could bring their fate.

The moon bearing world was drawn near
by the gravity of this planets fear

But joined now to another it was
unable to combine with the newcomer
despair was in clearly here

And so the other, looking at what it had become
sought not to restrain the moon bearer from this one
clearly it needed help,
though fond the other had grown of the bearer and moon,