having lived a life of fear
he decided the end was near
Couldn't live, without fear.

and so towards the heavens he strode
leaving behind his humble abode

decided in his fate as he neared the pearly gate
alas, his attention diverted,
something had caught his eye
he paused for a moment no longer on Earth
closer to heaven, white mist advanced
the clouds did now surround
a peace befell his body whole
the cloud swirled with anticipation
now still he gaped, oh his fascination

heaven now far from his mind
yet the Earth so far behind

and so the cloud beconed him near
alas, he had lost his fear

stumbling aimlessly through her breast
breathing more and more deeply as he neared her heart
the depth and density of her being, pressing, choking,

with every step he drew more near
forgotten now his long loved fear

and now, the mood did change
sensing from the cloud something strange

the feeling so familiar to his heart
yet so easily had he forgot, now encompassed in her tomb
nothing visible, only his feelings to keep him company
rushing back his whole life came, once more he felt the shame

now she has him, in her cage
her only emotion, now is rage

for with his fear, now he sees her true
no more haze, no more hue
now she chokes him, thickening her breath
"pity me..."he chokes, her answer a blank white stare

his life now withers, near to death.....
he powers his lungs, one last breath

and as his eyes begin to glaze, he sees a whole in her haze...
her eyes poke thruogh, something familiar, something true...

now her fear is in his view, he sees his face within her eye.
searching for clarity in his fading stare
looking through all her fears, he searches for the greatest...